Source code for sound_field_analysis.utils

Module containing various utility functions:

    Guess environment based on `sys.modules`.
    Display a spinner or a progress bar.
    Convenience function to calculate the 20*log10(abs(x)).
`cart2sph` / `sph2cart`
    Transform cartesian into spherical coordinates and vice versa.
    Transform coordinate grid with specified coordinate system definition
    from a SOFA file into spherical coordinates in radians.
`nearest_to_value` / `nearest_to_value_IDX` / `nearest_to_value_logical_IDX`
    Returns nearest value inside an array.
    Interleave left and right channels. Style == 'SSR' checks if we total
    360 channels.
    Wrap scipy.signal.resample with a simpler API.
    Returns arguments as np.array, if one is a scalar it will broadcast the
    other one's shape.
    Returns the kr bin closest to the target frequency.
    Stacks two 2D vectors along the same-sized dimension or the smaller one.
    Apply zero padding to frequency domain data by transformation into time
    domain and back.
    Return current system time based on ``.
    Measure execution of a specified statement which is useful for the
    performance analysis. In this way, the execution time and respective
    results can be directly compared.

import sys
import timeit
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import cycle
from time import sleep

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import resample

spinner = cycle(["-", "/", "|", "\\"])

[docs]def env_info(): """Guess environment based on `sys.modules`. Returns ------- env : string{'jupyter_notebook', 'ipython_terminal', 'terminal'} Guessed environment """ if "ipykernel" in sys.modules: return "jupyter_notebook" elif "IPython" in sys.modules: return "ipython_terminal" else: return "terminal"
__env = env_info()
[docs]def progress_bar(curIDX, maxIDX=None, description="Progress"): """Display a spinner or a progress bar. Parameters ---------- curIDX : int Current position in the loop maxIDX : int, optional Number of iterations. Will force a spinner if set to None. [Default: None] description : string, optional Clarify what's taking time """ if maxIDX is None: print(f"\r{description}: {next(spinner)}", end="", flush=True) else: maxIDX = int(maxIDX) - 1 if maxIDX == 0: amount_done = 1 else: amount_done = curIDX / maxIDX print( f'\r{description}: [{"#" * int(amount_done * 50):50s}] {amount_done * 100:.1f}%', end="", flush=True, ) if amount_done >= 1: print("\n")
[docs]def db(data, power=False): """Convenience function to calculate the 20*log10(abs(x)). Parameters ---------- data : array_like signals to be converted to db power : boolean data is a power signal and only needs factor 10 Returns ------- db : array_like 20 * log10(abs(data)) """ factor = 10 if power else 20 return factor * np.log10(np.abs(data))
[docs]def cart2sph(cartesian_coords, is_deg=False): """Transform cartesian into spherical coordinates. Parameters ---------- cartesian_coords : numpy.ndarray cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) of size [3; number of coordinates] is_deg : bool, optional if values should be calculated in degrees (radians otherwise) [Default: False] Returns ------- numpy.ndarray spherical coordinates (azimuth [0 ... 2pi or 0 ... 360deg], colatitude [0 ... pi or 0 ... 180deg], radius [meter]) of size [3; number of coordinates] """ x = cartesian_coords[0].copy() # prevent altering input data y = cartesian_coords[1].copy() # prevent altering input data z = cartesian_coords[2].copy() # prevent altering input data az = np.arctan2(y, x) # return values -pi ... pi r = np.sqrt(np.power(x, 2) + np.power(y, 2) + np.power(z, 2)) col = np.arccos(z / r) az %= 2 * np.pi # converting to 0 ... 2pi if is_deg: az = np.rad2deg(az) col = np.rad2deg(col) return np.vstack((az, col, r))
[docs]def sph2cart(spherical_coords, is_deg=False): """Transform spherical into cartesian coordinates. Parameters ---------- spherical_coords : numpy.ndarray spherical coordinates (azimuth, colatitude, radius) of size [3; number of coordinates] is_deg : bool, optional True if values are given in degrees (radians otherwise) [Default: False] Returns ------- numpy.ndarray cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) of size [3; number of coordinates] """ az = spherical_coords[0].copy() # prevent altering input data col = spherical_coords[1].copy() # prevent altering input data r = spherical_coords[2].copy() # prevent altering input data if is_deg: az = np.deg2rad(az) col = np.deg2rad(col) x = r * np.sin(col) * np.cos(az) y = r * np.sin(col) * np.sin(az) z = r * np.cos(col) return np.vstack((x, y, z))
[docs]def SOFA_grid2acr(grid_values, grid_info): """Transform coordinate grid with specified coordinate system definition from a SOFA file into spherical coordinates in radians. Parameters ---------- grid_values : numpy.ndarray Coordinates either spherical or cartesian of size [3; number of coordinates] grid_info : list of str Definition of coordinate system contained in the provided values according to SOFA convention, i.e. either ('degree, degree, metre', 'spherical') or ('metre, metre, metre', 'cartesian') Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Spherical coordinates (azimuth [0 ... 2pi], colatitude [0 ... pi], radius [meter]) of size [3; number of coordinates] Raises ------ ValueError In case unknown coordinate system definition is given Notes ----- This is used for source position of "SimpleFreeFieldHRIR" and receiver position of "SingleRoomDRIR". These conventions technically require different specific coordinate systems. Experience showed, that this is not exactly met by all SOFA files, hence cartesian or spherical coordinates will be transformed in either case. TODO ---- Validate data units against individual convention in `pysofaconventions` """ def _is_grid_spherical(grid): grid = tuple(g.lower() for g in grid) grid0 = grid[0].split(", ") return ( grid0[0] == "degree" and grid0[1] == "degree" and grid0[2] in {"metre", "meter"} and grid[1] == "spherical" ) def _is_grid_cartesian(grid): grid = tuple(g.lower() for g in grid) return grid[0] in {"metre", "meter"} or grid[1] == "cartesian" # transform into regular `numpy.ndarray` grid_values = grid_values.T.filled(0).copy() # TODO: Validate data units against individual convention in # `pysofaconventions` if _is_grid_spherical(grid_info): # given spherical degrees with elevation # transform into spherical radians with colatitude grid_values[0] = np.deg2rad(grid_values[0]) grid_values[1] = np.deg2rad(90 - grid_values[1]) elif _is_grid_cartesian(grid_info): # given cartesian # transform into spherical radians with colatitude grid_values = cart2sph(grid_values, is_deg=False) else: raise ValueError( f"SOFA position given in {grid_info}, but ('degree, degree, metre', " f"'spherical') or ('metre', 'cartesian') was expected." ) return grid_values
[docs]def nearest_to_value_IDX(array, target_val): """Returns nearest value inside an array.""" return (np.abs(array - target_val)).argmin()
[docs]def nearest_to_value(array, target_val): """Returns nearest value inside an array.""" return array[nearest_to_value_IDX(array, target_val)]
[docs]def nearest_to_value_logical_IDX(array, target_val): """Returns logical indices of nearest values inside array.""" return array == nearest_to_value(array, target_val)
[docs]def interleave_channels(left_channel, right_channel, style=None): """Interleave left and right channels. Style == 'SSR' checks if we total 360 channels. """ if not left_channel.shape == right_channel.shape: raise ValueError( "left_channel and right_channel have to be of same dimensions!" ) if style == "SSR" and not (left_channel.shape[0] == 360): raise ValueError("Provided arrays to have 360 channels (Nchannel x Nsamples).") output_data = np.repeat(left_channel, 2, axis=0) output_data[1::2, :] = right_channel return output_data
[docs]def simple_resample(data, original_fs, target_fs): """Wrap scipy.signal.resample with a simpler API.""" return resample(data, num=int(data.shape[-1] * target_fs / original_fs), axis=-1)
[docs]def scalar_broadcast_match(a, b): """Returns arguments as np.array, if one is a scalar it will broadcast the other one's shape. """ a, b = np.atleast_1d(a, b) if a.size == 1 and b.size != 1: a = np.broadcast_to(a, b.shape) elif b.size == 1 and a.size != 1: b = np.broadcast_to(b, a.shape) return a, b
[docs]def frq2kr(target_frequency, freq_vector): """Returns the kr bin closest to the target frequency. Parameters ---------- target_frequency : float Target frequency freq_vector : array_like Array containing the available frequencys Returns ------- krTarget : int kr bin closest to target frequency """ return (np.abs(freq_vector - target_frequency)).argmin()
[docs]def stack(vector_1, vector_2): """Stacks two 2D vectors along the same-sized dimension or the smaller one.""" vector_1, vector_2 = np.atleast_2d(vector_1, vector_2) M1, N1 = vector_1.shape M2, N2 = vector_2.shape if M1 == M2 and (M1 < N1 or M2 < N2): out = np.vstack([vector_1, vector_2]) elif N1 == N2 and (N1 < M1 or N2 < M2): out = np.hstack([vector_1, vector_2]) else: raise ValueError("vector_1 and vector_2 dont have a common dimension.") return np.squeeze(out)
[docs]def zero_pad_fd(data_fd, target_length_td): """Apply zero padding to frequency domain data by transformation into time domain and back. Parameters ---------- data_fd : numpy.ndarray Single-sided spectrum target_length_td : int target length of time domain representation in samples Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Zero padded single-sided spectrum """ # by transforming into time domain, zero padding and transforming back into # frequency domain return np.fft.rfft(np.fft.irfft(data_fd), n=target_length_td)
[docs]def current_time(): """Return current system time based on ``.""" return
[docs]def get_named_tuple__repr__(namedtuple): # noinspection PyProtectedMember fields_str = f",\n\t".join( f"{f} = {repr(v)}" for f, v in zip(namedtuple._fields, namedtuple) ) return f"{namedtuple.__class__.__name__}(\n\t{fields_str})"
[docs]def time_it( description, stmt, setup, _globals, repeat, number, reference=None, check_dtype=None ): """ Measure execution of a specified statement which is useful for the performance analysis. In this way, the execution time and respective results can be directly compared. Parameters ---------- description : str Descriptive name of configuration to be shown in the log stmt : str Statement to be timed setup : str Additional statement used for setup _globals : Namespace the code will be executed in (as opposed to inside timeit's namespace) repeat : int How many times to repeat the timeit measurement (results will be gathered as a list) number : int How many times to execute the statement to be timed reference : list of (float, any), optional Result with the same data structure as returned by this function, which will be referenced in order to compare execution time and similarity of the result data check_dtype : str, optional Data type of the result to check Returns ------- (float, any) Tuple of execution time in seconds (minimum of all repetitions) and execution result of first repetition (data depends on the specified statement to be timed) """ def _check_dtype(data_dtype): # check date type if data_dtype == check_dtype: _grade = "MATCH" _file = sys.stdout else: _grade = f"MISMATCH ({str(check_dtype)})" _file = sys.stderr print(f"result dtype: {str(data_dtype):>21} ... {_grade}", file=_file) sleep(0.05) # to get correct output order print(description) # execute timed statement result = timeit.Timer(stmt=stmt, setup=setup, globals=_globals).repeat( repeat=repeat, number=number ) # generate tuple of (time, evaluation result), whereby the kept time is # the minimum of all repetitions and the data is the result of the first # execution result = (min(list(zip(*result))[0]), result[0][1]) # print conclusion print(f"time: {result[0]:-29.2f}s") sleep(0.05) # to get correct output order if reference: t = result[0] / reference[0] file = sys.stdout if abs(t - 1) < 2e-2: grade = "EVEN" elif t < 1: grade = "BETTER" else: grade = "WORSE" file = sys.stderr print(f"time factor: {t:-22.2f} ... {grade}", file=file) sleep(0.05) # to get correct output order if reference[1].shape != result[1].shape: if reference[1].shape == result[1].T.shape: # flip computation result, if matrices do not match reference = (reference[0], reference[1].T) else: print( f"result shape: {str(result[1].shape):>21s}" f" ... MISMATCH {str(reference[1].shape)}", file=sys.stderr, ) sleep(0.05) # to get correct output order if check_dtype: _check_dtype(result[1].dtype) print() return result r = np.abs(np.sum(np.subtract(result[1], reference[1]))) file = sys.stdout if r == 0: grade = "PERFECT" elif r < 1e-10: grade = "OKAY" else: grade = "MISMATCH" file = sys.stderr print(f"result sum: {r:-22} ... {grade}", file=file) sleep(0.05) # to get correct output order r = np.abs(np.subtract(result[1], reference[1])).max() file = sys.stdout if r == 0: grade = "PERFECT" elif r < 1e-10: grade = "OKAY" else: grade = "MISMATCH" file = sys.stderr print(f"result max: {r:-22} ... {grade}", file=file) sleep(0.05) # to get correct output order if check_dtype: _check_dtype(result[1].dtype) print() return result
# modify timer template to also receive evaluation results from `timeit` function call timeit.template = """ def inner(_it, _timer{init}): {setup} _t0 = _timer() for _i in _it: result = {stmt} _t1 = _timer() return _t1 - _t0, result # time, evaluation result """