Module containing various generator functions:
- whiteNoise
Adds White Gaussian Noise of approx. 16dB crest to a FFT block.
- gauss_grid
Compute Gauss-Legendre quadrature nodes and weights in the SOFiA / VariSphear data format.
- lebedev
Compute Lebedev quadrature nodes and weights given a maximum stable order. Alternatively, a degree may be supplied.
- radial_filter
Generate modal radial filter of specified orders and frequencies.
- radial_filter_fullspec
Generate NFFT/2 + 1 modal radial filter of orders 0:max_order for frequencies 0:fs/2, wraps radial_filter().
- spherical_head_filter
Generate coloration compensation filter of specified maximum SH order.
- spherical_head_filter_spec
Generate NFFT/2 + 1 coloration compensation filter of specified maximum SH order for frequencies 0:fs/2, wraps spherical_head_filter().
- tapering_window
Design tapering window with cosine slope for orders greater than 3.
- sampled_wave
Returns the frequency domain data of an ideal wave as recorded by a provided array.
- ideal_wave
Ideal wave generator, returns spatial Fourier coefficients Pnm of an ideal wave front hitting a specified array.
- spherical_noise
Returns order-limited random weights on a spherical surface.
- delay_fd
Generate delay in frequency domain that resembles a circular shift in time domain.
Module containing various input and output functions:
- TimeSignal
Named tuple to store time domain data and related metadata.
- SphericalGrid
Named tuple to store spherical sampling grid geometry.
- ArrayConfiguration
Named tuple to store microphone array characteristics.
- ArraySignal
Named tuple to store microphone array data in terms of TimeSignal, SphericalGrid and ArrayConfiguration
- HrirSignal
Named tuple to store Head Related Impulse Response grid data in terms of TimeSignal for either ear and SphericalGrid
- read_miro_struct
Read Head Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs) or Array / Directional Impulse Responses (DRIRs) stored as MIRO Matlab files and convert them to ArraySignal.
- read_SOFA_file
Read Head Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs) or Array / Directional Impulse Responses (DRIRs) stored as Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics (SOFA) files and convert them to ArraySignal or HrirSignal.
- empty_time_signal
Returns an empty np rec array that has the proper data structure.
- load_array_signal
Convenience function to load ArraySignal saved into np data structures.
- read_wavefile
Reads in WAV files and returns data [Nsig x Nsamples] and fs.
- write_SSR_IRs
Takes two time signals and writes out the horizontal plane as HRIRs for the SoundScapeRenderer. Ideally, both hold 360 IRs but smaller sets are tried to be scaled up using repeat.
Module to generate Lebedev grids and quadrature weights for degrees 6, 14, 26, 38, 50, 74, 86, 110, 146, 170, 194:
- genGrid(n)
Generate Lebedev grid geometry of degree n.
Adapted from Richard P. Mullers Python version, C version: Dmitri Laikov F77 version: Christoph van Wuellen,
Users of this code are asked to include reference 3 in their publications, and in the user- and programmers-manuals describing their codes.
- 3
V.I. Lebedev, and D.N. Laikov ‘A quadrature formula for the sphere of the 131st algebraic order of accuracy’ Doklady Mathematics, Vol. 59, No. 3, 1999, pp. 477-481.
Module containing various plotting functions:
- makeMTX
Returns a plane wave decomposition over a full sphere.
- makeFullMTX
Generates visualization matrix for a set of spatial fourier coefficients over all kr.
- plot2D
Visualize 2D data using plotly.
- plot3D
Visualize matrix data, such as from makeMTX(Pnm, dn).
- plot3Dgrid
Visualize matrix data in a grid, such as from makeMTX(Pnm, dn).
Module containing functions to act on the Spatial Fourier Coefficients.
Perform Bandwidth Extension for Microphone Arrays (BEMA) spatial anti-aliasing.
Perform real-valued Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
- iFFT
Perform inverse real-valued (Fast) Fourier Transform (iFFT).
- spatFT
Perform spatial Fourier transform.
- spatFT_RT
Perform spatial Fourier transform for real-time applications (otherwise use spatFT() for more more convenience and flexibility).
- spatFT_LSF
Perform spatial Fourier transform by least square fit to provided data.
- iSpatFT
Perform inverse spatial Fourier transform.
- plane_wave_decomp
Perform plane wave decomposition.
- rfi
Perform radial filter improvement (RFI)
- sfe
Perform sound field extrapolation (SFE) - WORK IN PROGRESS.
- wdr
Perform Wigner-D rotation (WDR) - NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
- convolve
Convolve two arrays A & B row-wise where one or both can be one-dimensional for SIMO/SISO convolution.
Module containing various spherical harmonics helper functions:
- besselj / neumann
Bessel function of first and second kind of order n at kr.
- hankel1 / hankel2
Hankel function of first and second kind of order n at kr.
- spbessel / spneumann
Spherical Bessel function of first and second kind of order n at kr.
- sphankel1 / sphankel2
Spherical Hankel of first and second kind of order n at kr.
- dspbessel / dspneumann
Derivative of spherical Bessel of first and second kind of order n at kr.
- dsphankel1 / dsphankel2
Derivative spherical Hankel of first and second kind of order n at kr.
- spherical_extrapolation
Factor that relate signals recorded on a sphere to it’s center.
- array_extrapolation
Factor that relate signals recorded on a sphere to it’s center. In the rigid configuration, a scatter_radius that is different to the array radius may be set.
- sph_harm
Compute spherical harmonics.
- sph_harm_large
Compute spherical harmonics for large orders > 84.
- sph_harm_all
Compute all spherical harmonic coefficients up to degree nMax.
- mnArrays
Generate degrees n and orders m up to nMax.
- reverseMnIds
Generate reverse indexes according to stacked coefficients of orders m up to nMax.
- cart2sph / sph2cart
Convert cartesian to spherical coordinates and vice versa.
- kr
Generate kr vector for given f and array radius.
- kr_full_spec
Generate full spectrum kr.
Module containing various utility functions:
- env_info
Guess environment based on sys.modules.
- progress_bar
Display a spinner or a progress bar.
- db
Convenience function to calculate the 20*log10(abs(x)).
- cart2sph / sph2cart
Transform cartesian into spherical coordinates and vice versa.
- SOFA_grid2acr
Transform coordinate grid with specified coordinate system definition from a SOFA file into spherical coordinates in radians.
- nearest_to_value / nearest_to_value_IDX / nearest_to_value_logical_IDX
Returns nearest value inside an array.
- interleave_channels
Interleave left and right channels. Style == ‘SSR’ checks if we total 360 channels.
- simple_resample
Wrap scipy.signal.resample with a simpler API.
- scalar_broadcast_match
Returns arguments as np.array, if one is a scalar it will broadcast the other one’s shape.
- frq2kr
Returns the kr bin closest to the target frequency.
- stack
Stacks two 2D vectors along the same-sized dimension or the smaller one.
- zero_pad_fd
Apply zero padding to frequency domain data by transformation into time domain and back.
- current_time
Return current system time based on
- time_it
Measure execution of a specified statement which is useful for the performance analysis. In this way, the execution time and respective results can be directly compared.