Source code for sound_field_analysis.sph

Module containing various spherical harmonics helper functions:

`besselj` / `neumann`
    Bessel function of first and second kind of order n at kr.
`hankel1` / `hankel2`
    Hankel function of first and second kind of order n at kr.
`spbessel` / `spneumann`
    Spherical Bessel function of first and second kind of order n at kr.
`sphankel1` / `sphankel2`
    Spherical Hankel of first and second kind of order n at kr.
`dspbessel` / `dspneumann`
    Derivative of spherical Bessel of first and second kind of order n at kr.
`dsphankel1` / `dsphankel2`
    Derivative spherical Hankel of first and second kind of order n at kr.
    Factor that relate signals recorded on a sphere to it's center.
    Factor that relate signals recorded on a sphere to it's center. In the
    rigid configuration, a scatter_radius that is different to the array radius
    may be set.
    Compute spherical harmonics.
    Compute spherical harmonics for large orders > 84.
    Compute all spherical harmonic coefficients up to degree nMax.
    Generate degrees n and orders m up to nMax.
    Generate reverse indexes according to stacked coefficients of orders m up
    to nMax.
`cart2sph` / `sph2cart`
    Convert cartesian to spherical coordinates and vice versa.
    Generate kr vector for given f and array radius.
    Generate full spectrum kr.

from math import factorial as fact

import numpy as _np
from scipy import special as scy

from .io import ArrayConfiguration
from .utils import scalar_broadcast_match

[docs]def besselj(n, z): """Bessel function of first kind of order n at kr. Wraps `scipy.special.jn(n, z)`. Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order z: array_like Argument Returns ------- J : array_like Values of Bessel function of order n at position z """ return scy.jv(n, _np.complex_(z))
[docs]def neumann(n, z): """Bessel function of second kind (Neumann / Weber function) of order n at kr. Implemented as `(hankel1(n, z) - besselj(n, z)) / 1j`. Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order z: array_like Argument Returns ------- Y : array_like Values of Hankel function of order n at position z """ return (hankel1(n, z) - besselj(n, z)) / 1j
[docs]def hankel1(n, z): """Hankel function of first kind of order n at kr. Wraps `scipy.special.hankel2(n, z)`. Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order z: array_like Argument Returns ------- H1 : array_like Values of Hankel function of order n at position z """ return scy.hankel1(n, z)
[docs]def hankel2(n, z): """Hankel function of second kind of order n at kr. Wraps `scipy.special.hankel2(n, z)`. Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order z: array_like Argument Returns ------- H2 : array_like Values of Hankel function of order n at position z """ return scy.hankel2(n, z)
[docs]def spbessel(n, kr): """Spherical Bessel function (first kind) of order n at kr. Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order kr: array_like Argument Returns ------- J : complex float Spherical Bessel """ n, kr = scalar_broadcast_match(n, kr) if _np.any(n < 0) | _np.any(kr < 0) | _np.any(_np.mod(n, 1) != 0): J = _np.zeros(kr.shape, dtype=_np.complex_) kr_non_zero = kr != 0 J[kr_non_zero] = _np.lib.scimath.sqrt(_np.pi / 2 / kr[kr_non_zero]) * besselj( n[kr_non_zero] + 0.5, kr[kr_non_zero] ) J[_np.logical_and(kr == 0, n == 0)] = 1 else: J = scy.spherical_jn(n.astype(, kr) return _np.squeeze(J)
[docs]def spneumann(n, kr): """Spherical Neumann (Bessel second kind) of order n at kr. Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order kr: array_like Argument Returns ------- Yv : complex float Spherical Neumann (Bessel second kind) """ n, kr = scalar_broadcast_match(n, kr) if _np.any(n < 0) | _np.any(_np.mod(n, 1) != 0): Yv = _np.full(kr.shape, _np.nan, dtype=_np.complex_) kr_non_zero = kr != 0 Yv[kr_non_zero] = _np.lib.scimath.sqrt(_np.pi / 2 / kr[kr_non_zero]) * neumann( n[kr_non_zero] + 0.5, kr[kr_non_zero] ) Yv[kr < 0] = -Yv[kr < 0] else: Yv = scy.spherical_yn(n.astype(, kr) # return possible infs as nan to stay consistent Yv[_np.isinf(Yv)] = _np.nan return _np.squeeze(Yv)
[docs]def sphankel1(n, kr): """Spherical Hankel (first kind) of order n at kr. Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order kr: array_like Argument Returns ------- hn1 : complex float Spherical Hankel function hn (first kind) """ n, kr = scalar_broadcast_match(n, kr) hn1 = _np.full(n.shape, _np.nan, dtype=_np.complex_) kr_nonzero = kr != 0 hn1[kr_nonzero] = ( _np.sqrt(_np.pi / 2) / _np.lib.scimath.sqrt(kr[kr_nonzero]) * hankel1(n[kr_nonzero] + 0.5, kr[kr_nonzero]) ) return hn1
[docs]def sphankel2(n, kr): """Spherical Hankel (second kind) of order n at kr Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order kr: array_like Argument Returns ------- hn2 : complex float Spherical Hankel function hn (second kind) """ n, kr = scalar_broadcast_match(n, kr) hn2 = _np.full(n.shape, _np.nan, dtype=_np.complex_) kr_nonzero = kr != 0 hn2[kr_nonzero] = ( _np.sqrt(_np.pi / 2) / _np.lib.scimath.sqrt(kr[kr_nonzero]) * hankel2(n[kr_nonzero] + 0.5, kr[kr_nonzero]) ) return hn2
[docs]def dspbessel(n, kr): """Derivative of spherical Bessel (first kind) of order n at kr. Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order kr: array_like Argument Returns ------- J' : complex float Derivative of spherical Bessel """ return _np.squeeze( (n * spbessel(n - 1, kr) - (n + 1) * spbessel(n + 1, kr)) / (2 * n + 1) )
[docs]def dspneumann(n, kr): """Derivative spherical Neumann (Bessel second kind) of order n at kr. Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order kr: array_like Argument Returns ------- Yv' : complex float Derivative of spherical Neumann (Bessel second kind) """ n, kr = scalar_broadcast_match(n, kr) if _np.any(n < 0) | _np.any(_np.mod(n, 1) != 0) | _np.any(_np.mod(kr, 1) != 0): return spneumann(n, kr) * n / kr - spneumann(n + 1, kr) else: return scy.spherical_yn( n.astype(, kr.astype(_np.complex), derivative=True )
[docs]def dsphankel1(n, kr): """Derivative spherical Hankel (first kind) of order n at kr. Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order kr: array_like Argument Returns ------- dhn1 : complex float Derivative of spherical Hankel function hn' (second kind) """ n, kr = scalar_broadcast_match(n, kr) dhn1 = _np.full(n.shape, _np.nan, dtype=_np.complex_) kr_nonzero = kr != 0 dhn1[kr_nonzero] = 0.5 * ( sphankel1(n[kr_nonzero] - 1, kr[kr_nonzero]) - sphankel1(n[kr_nonzero] + 1, kr[kr_nonzero]) - sphankel1(n[kr_nonzero], kr[kr_nonzero]) / kr[kr_nonzero] ) return dhn1
[docs]def dsphankel2(n, kr): """Derivative spherical Hankel (second kind) of order n at kr. Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order kr: array_like Argument Returns ------- dhn2 : complex float Derivative of spherical Hankel function hn' (second kind) """ n, kr = scalar_broadcast_match(n, kr) dhn2 = _np.full(n.shape, _np.nan, dtype=_np.complex_) kr_nonzero = kr != 0 dhn2[kr_nonzero] = 0.5 * ( sphankel2(n[kr_nonzero] - 1, kr[kr_nonzero]) - sphankel2(n[kr_nonzero] + 1, kr[kr_nonzero]) - sphankel2(n[kr_nonzero], kr[kr_nonzero]) / kr[kr_nonzero] ) return dhn2
[docs]def spherical_extrapolation( order, array_configuration, k_mic, k_scatter=None, k_dual=None ): """Factor that relate signals recorded on a sphere to it's center. Parameters ---------- order : int Order array_configuration : io.ArrayConfiguration List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration k_mic : array_like K vector for microphone array k_scatter: array_like, optional K vector for scatterer [Default: same as k_mic] k_dual : float, optional Radius of second array, required for `array_type` == 'dual' Returns ------- b : array, complex """ array_configuration = ArrayConfiguration(*array_configuration) if array_configuration.array_type == "open": if array_configuration.transducer_type == "omni": return bn_open_omni(order, k_mic) elif array_configuration.transducer_type == "cardioid": return bn_open_cardioid(order, k_mic) elif array_configuration.array_type == "rigid": if array_configuration.transducer_type == "omni": return bn_rigid_omni(order, k_mic, k_scatter) elif array_configuration.transducer_type == "cardioid": return bn_rigid_cardioid(order, k_mic, k_scatter) elif array_configuration.array_type == "dual": return bn_dual_open_omni(order, k_mic, k_dual)
[docs]def array_extrapolation(order, freqs, array_configuration, normalize=True): """Factor that relate signals recorded on a sphere to it's center. In the rigid configuration, a scatter_radius that is different to the array radius may be set. Parameters ---------- order : int Order freqs : array_like Frequencies array_configuration : io.ArrayConfiguration List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration normalize: Bool, optional Normalize by 4 * pi * 1j ** order [Default: True] Returns ------- b : array, complex Coefficients of shape [nOrder x nFreqs] """ array_configuration = ArrayConfiguration(*array_configuration) freqs, order = _np.meshgrid(freqs, order) k_mic = kr(freqs, array_configuration.array_radius) k_scatter = None k_dual = None if normalize: scale_factor = _np.squeeze(4 * _np.pi * 1j ** order) else: scale_factor = 1 if array_configuration.array_type == "open": k_scatter = None elif array_configuration.array_type == "rigid": if array_configuration.scatter_radius is None: scatter_radius = array_configuration.array_radius else: scatter_radius = array_configuration.scatter_radius k_scatter = kr(freqs, scatter_radius) # Replace leading k==0 with the next element to avoid nan if _np.any(k_mic[:, 0] == 0): k_mic[:, 0] = k_mic[:, 1] if _np.any(k_scatter[:, 0] == 0): k_scatter[:, 0] = k_scatter[:, 1] elif array_configuration.array_type == "dual": k_dual = kr(freqs, array_configuration.dual_radius) return scale_factor * spherical_extrapolation( order, array_configuration, k_mic, k_scatter, k_dual )
[docs]def bn_open_omni(n, krm): return spbessel(n, krm)
[docs]def bn_open_cardioid(n, krm): return 0.5 * (spbessel(n, krm) - 1j * dspbessel(n, krm))
[docs]def bn_rigid_omni(n, krm, krs): krm, krs = scalar_broadcast_match(krm, krs) return spbessel(n, krm) - (dspbessel(n, krs) / dsphankel2(n, krs)) * sphankel2( n, krm )
[docs]def bn_rigid_cardioid(n, krm, krs): # Rerence for Filter design for rigid sphere with cardioid microphones: # P. Plessas, F. Zotter: Microphone arrays around rigid spheres for spatial # recording and holography, DAGA 2010 # krm: for mic radius, krs: for sphere radius krm, krs = scalar_broadcast_match(krm, krs) return ( spbessel(n, krm) - 1j * dspbessel(n, krm) + (1j * dsphankel2(n, krm) - sphankel2(n, krm)) * (dspbessel(n, krs) / dsphankel2(n, krs)) )
[docs]def bn_dual_open_omni(n, kr1, kr2): # Reference: Rafaely et al, "High-resolution plane-wave decomposition in # an auditorium using a dual-radius scanning spherical microphone array" # JASA, 122(5), 2007 # kr1, kr2 are the kr values of the two different microphone spheres # Implementation by Nils Peters, November 2011*/ bn1 = bn_open_omni(n, kr1) bn2 = bn_open_omni(n, kr2) return _np.where(_np.abs(bn1) >= _np.abs(bn2), bn1, bn2)
[docs]def sph_harm(m, n, az, co, kind="complex"): """Compute spherical harmonics. Parameters ---------- m : (int) Order of the spherical harmonic. abs(m) <= n n : (int) Degree of the harmonic, sometimes called l. n >= 0 az : (float) Azimuthal (longitudinal) coordinate [0, 2pi], also called Theta. co : (float) Polar (colatitudinal) coordinate [0, pi], also called Phi. kind : {'complex', 'real'}, optional Spherical harmonic coefficients data type according to complex [7]_ or real definition [8]_ [Default: 'complex'] Returns ------- y_mn : (complex float) or (float) Spherical harmonic of order m and degree n, sampled at theta = az, phi = co References ---------- .. [7] scipy.special.sph_harm .. [8] F. Zotter, “Analysis and synthesis of sound-radiation with spherical arrays,” University of Music and Performing Arts, 2009. """ # SAFETY CHECKS kind = kind.lower() if kind not in {"complex", "real"}: raise ValueError("Invalid kind: Choose either complex or real.") m = _np.atleast_1d(m) Y = scy.sph_harm(m, n, az, co) if kind == "complex": return Y else: # kind == 'real' mg0 = m > 0 ml0 = m < 0 Y[mg0] = _np.float_power(-1.0, m)[mg0] * _np.sqrt(2) * _np.real(Y[mg0]) Y[ml0] = _np.sqrt(2) * _np.imag(Y[ml0]) return _np.real(Y)
[docs]def sph_harm_large(m, n, az, co, kind="complex"): """Compute spherical harmonics for large orders > 84. Parameters ---------- m : (int) Order of the spherical harmonic. abs(m) <= n n : (int) Degree of the harmonic, sometimes called l. n >= 0 az : (float) Azimuthal (longitudinal) coordinate [0, 2pi], also called Theta. co : (float) Polar (colatitudinal) coordinate [0, pi], also called Phi. kind : {'complex', 'real'}, optional Spherical harmonic coefficients data type according to complex [6]_ or real definition [7]_ [Default: 'complex'] Returns ------- y_mn : (complex float) or (float) Spherical harmonic of order m and degree n, sampled at theta = az, phi = co Notes ----- Y_n,m (theta, phi) = ((n - m)! * (2l + 1)) / (4pi * (l + m))^0.5 * exp(i m phi) * P_n^m(cos(theta)) as per Pmn(z) are the associated Legendre functions of the first kind, like scipy.special.lpmv, which calculates P(0...m 0...n) and its derivative but won't return +inf at high orders. TODO ---- Confirm that the correct SH definition is used """ if _np.all(_np.abs(m) < 84): return sph_harm(m, n, az, co, kind=kind) else: # SAFETY CHECKS kind = kind.lower() if kind not in {"complex", "real"}: raise ValueError("Invalid kind: Choose either complex or real.") m = _np.atleast_1d(m) # TODO: Confirm that the correct SH definition is used mAbs = _np.abs(m) if isinstance(co, _np.ndarray): P = _np.empty(co.size) for k in range(0, co.size): P[k] = scy.lpmn(mAbs, n, _np.cos(co[k]))[0][-1][-1] else: P = scy.lpmn(mAbs, n, _np.cos(co))[0][-1][-1] preFactor1 = _np.sqrt((2 * n + 1) / (4 * _np.pi)) try: preFactor2 = _np.sqrt(fact(n - mAbs) / fact(n + mAbs)) except OverflowError: # integer division for very large orders preFactor2 = _np.sqrt(fact(n - mAbs) // fact(n + mAbs)) Y = preFactor1 * preFactor2 * _np.exp(1j * m * az) * P if kind == "complex": return Y if m >= 0 else _np.conj(Y) else: # kind == 'real' Y[_np.where(m > 0)] = ( _np.float_power(-1.0, m)[_np.where(m > 0)] * _np.sqrt(2) * _np.real(Y[_np.where(m > 0)]) ) Y[_np.where(m == 0)] = _np.real(Y[_np.where(m == 0)]) Y[_np.where(m < 0)] = _np.sqrt(2) * _np.real(Y[_np.where(m < 0)]) return _np.real(Y)
[docs]def sph_harm_all(nMax, az, co, kind="complex"): """Compute all spherical harmonic coefficients up to degree nMax. Parameters ---------- nMax : (int) Maximum degree of coefficients to be returned. n >= 0 az: (float), array_like Azimuthal (longitudinal) coordinate [0, 2pi], also called Theta. co : (float), array_like Polar (colatitudinal) coordinate [0, pi], also called Phi. kind : {'complex', 'real'}, optional Spherical harmonic coefficients data type [Default: 'complex'] Returns ------- y_mn : (complex float) or (float), array_like Spherical harmonics of degrees n [0 ... nMax] and all corresponding orders m [-n ... n], sampled at [az, co]. dim1 corresponds to az/co pairs, dim2 to oder/degree (m, n) pairs like 0/0, -1/1, 0/1, 1/1, -2/2, -1/2 ... """ m, n = mnArrays(nMax) mA, azA = _np.meshgrid(m, az) nA, coA = _np.meshgrid(n, co) return sph_harm(mA, nA, azA, coA, kind=kind)
[docs]def mnArrays(nMax): """Generate degrees n and orders m up to nMax. Parameters ---------- nMax : (int) Maximum degree of coefficients to be returned. n >= 0 Returns ------- m : (int), array_like 0, -1, 0, 1, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ... , -nMax ..., nMax n : (int), array_like 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ... nMax, nMax, nMax """ # Degree n = 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ... degs = _np.arange(nMax + 1) n = _np.repeat(degs, degs * 2 + 1) # Order m = 0, -1, 0, 1, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ... # elementNumber = _np.arange((nMax + 1) ** 2) + 1 t = _np.floor(_np.sqrt(elementNumber - 1)).astype(int) m = elementNumber - t * t - t - 1 return m, n
[docs]def reverseMnIds(nMax): """Generate reverse indexes according to stacked coefficients of orders m up to nMax. Parameters ---------- nMax : (int) Maximum degree of coefficients reverse indexes to be returned. n >= 0 Returns ------- rev_ids : (int), array_like 0, 3, 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, ... """ m_ids = list(range(nMax * (nMax + 2) + 1)) for o in range(nMax + 1): id_start = o ** 2 id_end = id_start + o * 2 + 1 m_ids[id_start:id_end] = reversed(m_ids[id_start:id_end]) return m_ids
[docs]def cart2sph(x, y, z): """Convert cartesian coordinates x, y, z to spherical coordinates az, el, r. """ hxy = _np.hypot(x, y) r = _np.hypot(hxy, z) el = _np.arctan2(z, hxy) az = _np.arctan2(y, x) return az, el, r
[docs]def sph2cart(az, el, r): """Convert spherical coordinates az, el, r to cartesian coordinates x, y, z. """ rcos_theta = r * _np.cos(el) x = rcos_theta * _np.cos(az) y = rcos_theta * _np.sin(az) z = r * _np.sin(el) return x, y, z
[docs]def kr(f, radius, temperature=20): """Generate kr vector for given f and array radius. Parameters ---------- f : array_like Frequencies to calculate the kr for radius : float Radius of array temperature : float, optional Room temperature in degree Celsius [Default: 20] Returns ------- kr : array_like 2 * pi * f / c(temperature) * r """ return 2 * _np.pi * f / (331.5 + 0.6 * temperature) * radius
[docs]def kr_full_spec(fs, radius, NFFT, temperature=20): """Generate full spectrum kr. Parameters ---------- fs : int Sampling rate in Hertz radius : float Radius NFFT : int Number of frequency bins temperature : float, optional Temperature in degree Celsius [Default: 20 C] Returns ------- kr : array_like kr vector of length NFFT/2 + 1 spanning the frequencies of 0:fs/2 """ freqs = _np.linspace(0, fs / 2, int(NFFT / 2 + 1)) return kr(freqs, radius, temperature)
# DEBUG def _print_bessel_functions(n, k): print("bessel:", besselj(n, k)) print("hankel2:", hankel2(n, k)) print("spbessel:", spbessel(n, k)) print("dspbessel:", dspbessel(n, k)) print("spneumann:", spneumann(n, k)) print("dspneumann:", dspneumann(n, k)) print("sphankel2:", sphankel2(n, k)) print("dsphankel2:", dsphankel2(n, k)) def _print_mic_scaling(N, freqs, array_radius, scatter_radius=None, dual_radius=None): if not scatter_radius: scatter_radius = array_radius if not dual_radius: dual_radius = array_radius print( "bn_open_omni:", array_extrapolation(N, freqs, [array_radius, "open", "omni"]) ) print( "bn_open_cardioid:", array_extrapolation(N, freqs, [array_radius, "open", "cardioid"]), ) print( "bn_rigid_omni:", array_extrapolation(N, freqs, [array_radius, "rigid", "omni", scatter_radius]), ) print( "bn_rigid_cardioid:", array_extrapolation( N, freqs, [array_radius, "rigid", "cardioid", scatter_radius] ), ) print( "bn_dual_open_omni:", array_extrapolation( N, freqs, [array_radius, "dual", "omni", None, dual_radius] ), ) def _print_bns(N, k_mic, k_scatter): print("bn_open_omni:", bn_open_omni(N, k_mic) * 4 * _np.pi * 1j ** N) print("bn_open_cardioid:", bn_open_cardioid(N, k_mic) * 4 * _np.pi * 1j ** N), print("bn_rigid_omni:", bn_rigid_omni(N, k_mic, k_scatter) * 4 * _np.pi * 1j ** N), print( "bn_rigid_cardioid:", bn_rigid_cardioid(N, k_mic, k_scatter) * 4 * _np.pi * 1j ** N, ) print( "bn_dual_open_omni:", bn_dual_open_omni(N, k_mic, k_scatter) * 4 * _np.pi * 1j ** N, )