Source code for sound_field_analysis.plot

Module containing various plotting functions:

    Returns a plane wave decomposition over a full sphere.
    Generates visualization matrix for a set of spatial fourier coefficients
    over all kr.
    Visualize 2D data using plotly.
    Visualize matrix data, such as from `makeMTX(Pnm, dn)`.
    Visualize matrix data in a grid, such as from `makeMTX(Pnm, dn)`.
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as _np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly import offline as plotly_off, subplots

from .process import plane_wave_decomp
from .utils import current_time, env_info, progress_bar

def _showTrace(trace, layout=None, title=None):
    """Wrapper around Plotly's offline `plot()` function.

    trace : plotly_trace
        Plotly generated trace to be displayed offline
    layout : plotly.graph_objs.Layout, optional
        Layout of plot to be displayed offline
    title : str, optional
        Title of plot to be displayed offline

    fig : plotly_fig_handle
        JSON representation of generated figure

        Add colorization
    if layout is None:
        layout = go.Layout(
                xaxis=dict(range=[-1, 1]),
                yaxis=dict(range=[-1, 1]),
                zaxis=dict(range=[-1, 1]),
    # Wrap trace in array if needed
    if not isinstance(trace, list):
        trace = [trace]

    fig = go.Figure(data=trace, layout=layout)

    if title is not None:
        filename = f"{title}.html"
            filename = f"{fig.layout.title}.html"
        except TypeError:
            filename = f"{current_time()}.html"

    # TODO: Add colorization
    # colorize : bool, optional
    #     Toggles bw / colored plot [Default: True]
    # if colorize:
    #    data[0].autocolorscale = False
    #    data[0].surfacecolor = [0, 0.5, 1]
    if env_info() == "jupyter_notebook":
        plotly_off.plot(fig, filename=filename)

    return fig

[docs]def makeMTX( spat_coeffs, radial_filter, kr_IDX, viz_order=None, stepsize_deg=1, kind="complex" ): """Returns a plane wave decomposition over a full sphere. Parameters ---------- spat_coeffs : array_like Spatial fourier coefficients radial_filter : array_like Modal radial filters kr_IDX : int Index of kr to be computed viz_order : int, optional Order of the spatial fourier transform [Default: Highest available] stepsize_deg : float, optional Integer Factor to increase the resolution. [Default: 1] kind : {'complex', 'real'}, optional Spherical harmonic coefficients data type [Default: 'complex'] Returns ------- mtxData : array_like Plane wave decomposition (frequency domain) Note ---- The file generates a Matrix of 181x360 pixels for the visualisation with visualize3D() in 1[deg] Steps (65160 plane waves). """ if not viz_order: viz_order =[0]) - 1)) angles = ( _np.mgrid[0:360:stepsize_deg, 0:181:stepsize_deg].reshape((2, -1)) * _np.pi / 180 ) Y = plane_wave_decomp( viz_order, angles, spat_coeffs[:, kr_IDX], radial_filter[:, kr_IDX], kind=kind ) return Y.reshape((360, -1)).T # Return pwd data as [181, 360] matrix
[docs]def makeFullMTX(Pnm, dn, kr, viz_order=None): """Generates visualization matrix for a set of spatial fourier coefficients over all kr. Parameters ---------- Pnm : array_like Spatial Fourier Coefficients (e.g. from S/T/C) dn : array_like Modal Radial Filters (e.g. from M/F) kr : array_like kr-vector viz_order : int, optional Order of the spatial fourier tplane_wave_decompransform [Default: Highest available] Returns ------- vizMtx : array_like Computed visualization matrix over all kr """ kr = _np.asarray(kr) if not viz_order: viz_order =[0]) - 1)) N = kr.size vizMtx = [] for k in range(0, N): progress_bar(k, N, "Visual matrix generation") vizMtx.append(makeMTX(Pnm, dn, k, viz_order)) return vizMtx
def _normalizeMTX(MTX, logScale=False): """Normalizes a matrix to [0 ... 1]. Parameters ---------- MTX : array_like Matrix to be normalized logScale : bool, optional Toggle conversion logScale [Default: False] Returns ------- MTX : array_liked Normalized Matrix """ MTX -= MTX.min(initial=_np.Inf) MTX /= MTX.max(initial=-_np.Inf) if logScale: MTX += 0.00001 MTX = _np.log10(_np.abs(MTX)) MTX += 5 MTX /= 5.000004343 # MTX = 20 * _np.log10(_np.abs(MTX)) return MTX def _genSphCoords(): """Generates cartesian (x,y,z) and spherical (theta, phi) coordinates of a sphere. Returns ------- coords : named tuple holds cartesian (x,y,z) and spherical (theta, phi) coordinates """ coords = namedtuple("coords", ["x", "y", "z", "az", "el"]) az = _np.linspace(0, 2 * _np.pi, 360) el = _np.linspace(0, _np.pi, 181) coords.x = _np.outer(_np.cos(az), _np.sin(el)) coords.y = _np.outer(_np.sin(az), _np.sin(el)) coords.z = _np.outer(_np.ones(360), _np.cos(el)) coords.el, = _np.meshgrid( _np.linspace(0, _np.pi, 181), _np.linspace(0, 2 * _np.pi, 360) ) return coords def _sph2cartMTX(vizMTX): """Converts the spherical vizMTX data to named tuple containing .xs/.ys/.zs. Parameters ---------- vizMTX : array_like [180 x 360] matrix that hold amplitude information over phi and theta Returns ------- V : named_tuple Contains .xs, .ys, .zs cartesian coordinates """ rs = _np.abs(vizMTX.reshape((181, -1)).T) coords = _genSphCoords() V = namedtuple("V", ["xs", "ys", "zs"]) V.xs = rs * _np.sin(coords.el) * _np.cos( V.ys = rs * _np.sin(coords.el) * _np.sin( V.zs = rs * _np.cos(coords.el) return V def _genShape(vizMTX): """Returns trace of shape with intensity as radial extension. Parameters ---------- vizMTX : array_like Matrix holding spherical data for visualization Returns ------- T : plotly_trace Trace of desired shape TODO ---- Fix camera position """ # TODO: Fix camera position V = _sph2cartMTX(vizMTX) trace = go.Surface( x=V.xs, y=V.ys, z=V.zs, surfacecolor=_np.abs(vizMTX.reshape((181, -1))).T, colorscale="Viridis", showscale=False, hoverinfo="none", ) return trace def _genSphere(vizMTX): """Returns trace of sphere with intensity as surface color. Parameters ---------- vizMTX : array_like Matrix holding spherical data for visualization Returns ------- T : plotly_trace Trace of desired sphere """ coords = _genSphCoords() trace = go.Surface( x=coords.x, y=coords.y, z=coords.z, surfacecolor=_np.abs(vizMTX.reshape((181, -1))).T, colorscale="Viridis", showscale=False, hoverinfo="none", ) return trace def _genFlat(vizMTX): """Returns trace of flat surface with intensity as surface elevation and color. Parameters ---------- vizMTX : array_like Matrix holding spherical data for visualization Returns ------- T : plotly_trace Trace of desired surface TODO ---- Fix orientation and axis limits """ # TODO: Fix orientation and axis limits trace = go.Surface( x=_np.r_[0:360], y=_np.r_[0:181], z=_np.abs(vizMTX), surfacecolor=_np.abs(vizMTX.reshape((181, -1))), colorscale="Viridis", showscale=False, hoverinfo="none", ) return trace def _genVisual(vizMTX, style="shape", normalize=True, logScale=False): """Returns desired trace after cleaning the data. Parameters ---------- vizMTX : array_like Matrix holding spherical data for visualization style : string{'shape', 'sphere', 'flat'}, optional Style of visualization. [Default: 'Shape'] normalize : bool, optional Toggle normalization of data to [-1 ... 1] [Default: True] logScale : bool, optional Toggle conversion logScale [Default: False] Returns ------- T : plotly_trace Trace of desired visualization """ vizMTX = _np.abs(vizMTX) # Can we be sure to only need the abs? if normalize: vizMTX = _normalizeMTX(vizMTX, logScale=logScale) if style == "shape": return _genShape(vizMTX) elif style == "sphere": return _genSphere(vizMTX) elif style == "flat": return _genFlat(vizMTX) else: raise ValueError( f'Provided style "{style}" not available. Try sphere, shape or flat.' ) def _layout_2D(viz_type=None, title=None): layout = go.Layout( title=title, xaxis=dict(title="Samples"), yaxis=dict(title="Amplitude") ) if viz_type == "TIME": layout.title = "Time domain plot" layout.xaxis.title = "Time in s" elif viz_type == "ETC": layout.title = "Time domain plot (ETC)" layout.yaxis.title = "Amplitude in dB" layout.xaxis.title = "Time in s" elif viz_type == "LINFFT": layout.title = "Frequency domain plot (linear)" layout.yaxis.title = "Amplitude in dB" layout.xaxis.title = "Frequency in Hz" elif viz_type == "LOGFFT": layout.title = "Frequency domain plot (logarithmic)" layout.yaxis.title = "Amplitude in dB" layout.xaxis.title = "Frequency in Hz" layout.xaxis.type = "log" return layout def _prepare_2D_x(L, viz_type, fs): # X vector: samples or time x = _np.arange(L - 1, dtype=_np.float_) if viz_type in ["TIME", "ETC"]: x /= fs elif viz_type in ["LINFFT", "LOGFFT"]: x = _np.fft.rfftfreq(x.shape[0] * 2 - 1, 1 / fs) return x def _prepare_2D_traces(data, viz_type, fs, line_names): """ Parameters ---------- data : array_like Data to be plotted, separated along the first dimension (rows) viz_type : str{None, 'Time', 'ETC', 'LinFFT', 'LogFFT'} Type of data to be displayed fs : int Sampling rate in Hz line_names : list[str] or None Add legend to be displayed on plot, with one entry for each data row Returns ------- traces : plotly_trace Plotly generated trace to be displayed offline """ data = _np.atleast_2d(data) N, L = data.shape x = _prepare_2D_x(L, viz_type, fs) traces = [] for k in range(0, N): y = data[k] traces.append(go.Scatter( x=x, y=y if viz_type == "TIME" else 20 * _np.log10(_np.abs(y)) )) if line_names and k < len(line_names): traces[k].name = line_names[k] return traces
[docs]def plot2D(data, title=None, viz_type=None, fs=44100, line_names=None): """Visualize 2D data using plotly. Parameters ---------- data : array_like Data to be plotted, separated along the first dimension (rows) title : str, optional Add title to be displayed on plot viz_type : str{None, 'Time', 'ETC', 'LinFFT', 'LogFFT'}, optional Type of data to be displayed [Default: None] fs : int, optional Sampling rate in Hz [Default: 44100] line_names : list of str, optional Add legend to be displayed on plot, with one entry for each data row [Default: None] """ viz_type = viz_type.strip().upper() # remove whitespaces and make upper case layout = _layout_2D(viz_type=viz_type, title=title) traces = _prepare_2D_traces( data=data, viz_type=viz_type, fs=fs, line_names=line_names ) _showTrace(traces, layout=layout, title=title)
[docs]def plot3D(vizMTX, style="shape", layout=None, normalize=True, logScale=False): """Visualize matrix data, such as from `makeMTX(Pnm, dn)`. Parameters ---------- vizMTX : array_like Matrix holding spherical data for visualization layout : plotly.graph_objs.Layout, optional Layout of plot to be displayed offline style : string{'shape', 'sphere', 'flat'}, optional Style of visualization. [Default: 'shape'] normalize : bool, optional Toggle normalization of data to [-1 ... 1] [Default: True] logScale : bool, optional Toggle conversion logScale [Default: False] Returns ------- None TODO ---- Add colorization and contour plots """ # TODO: Add colorization and contour plots if style == "flat": layout = go.Layout( scene=dict( xaxis=dict(range=[0, 360]), yaxis=dict(range=[0, 181]), aspectmode="manual", aspectratio=dict(x=3.6, y=1.81, z=1), ) ) _showTrace( _genVisual(vizMTX, style=style, normalize=normalize, logScale=logScale), layout=layout, )
[docs]def plot3Dgrid(rows, cols, viz_data, style, normalize=True, title=None): """Visualize matrix data in a grid, such as from `makeMTX(Pnm, dn)`. Parameters ---------- rows : int Number of grid rows cols : int Number of grid columns viz_data : array_like Matrix holding data for visualization style : string{'shape', 'sphere', 'flat'}, optional Style of visualization. [Default: 'shape'] normalize : bool, optional Toggle normalization of data to [-1 ... 1] [Default: True] title : str, optional Add title to be displayed on plot """ if len(viz_data) > rows * cols: raise ValueError( "Number of plot data is more than the specified rows and columns." ) fig = subplots.make_subplots( rows, cols, specs=[[{"is_3d": True}] * cols] * rows, print_grid=False ) if style == "flat": layout_3D = dict( xaxis=dict(range=[0, 360]), yaxis=dict(range=[0, 181]), aspectmode="manual", aspectratio=dict(x=3.6, y=1.81, z=1), ) else: layout_3D = dict( xaxis=dict(range=[-1, 1]), yaxis=dict(range=[-1, 1]), zaxis=dict(range=[-1, 1]), aspectmode="cube", ) rows, cols = _np.mgrid[1 : rows + 1, 1 : cols + 1] rows = rows.flatten() cols = cols.flatten() for IDX in range(0, len(viz_data)): cur_row = int(rows[IDX]) cur_col = int(cols[IDX]) fig.add_trace( _genVisual(viz_data[IDX], style=style, normalize=normalize), cur_row, cur_col ) fig.layout[f"scene{IDX + 1:d}"].update(layout_3D) if title is not None: fig.layout.update(title=title) filename = f"{title}.html" else: filename = f"{current_time()}.html" if env_info() == "jupyter_notebook": plotly_off.iplot(fig) else: plotly_off.plot(fig, filename=filename)