Module containing various generator functions:
Adds White Gaussian Noise of approx. 16dB crest to a FFT block.
Compute Gauss-Legendre quadrature nodes and weights in the SOFiA /
VariSphear data format.
Compute Lebedev quadrature nodes and weights given a maximum stable
order. Alternatively, a degree may be supplied.
Generate modal radial filter of specified orders and frequencies.
Generate NFFT/2 + 1 modal radial filter of orders 0:max_order for
frequencies 0:fs/2, wraps `radial_filter()`.
Generate coloration compensation filter of specified maximum SH order.
Generate NFFT/2 + 1 coloration compensation filter of specified maximum
SH order for frequencies 0:fs/2, wraps `spherical_head_filter()`.
Design tapering window with cosine slope for orders greater than 3.
Returns the frequency domain data of an ideal wave as recorded by a
provided array.
Ideal wave generator, returns spatial Fourier coefficients `Pnm` of an
ideal wave front hitting a specified array.
Returns order-limited random weights on a spherical surface.
Generate delay in frequency domain that resembles a circular shift in
time domain.
import numpy as _np
from scipy.special import spherical_jn
from .io import ArrayConfiguration, SphericalGrid
from .process import iSpatFT, spatFT
from .sph import (
[docs]def whiteNoise(fftData, noiseLevel=80):
"""Adds White Gaussian Noise of approx. 16dB crest to a FFT block.
fftData : array of complex floats
Input fftData block (e.g. from F/D/T or S/W/G)
noiseLevel : int, optional
Average noise Level in dB [Default: -80dB]
noisyData : array of complex floats
Output fftData block including white gaussian noise
dimFactor = 10 ** (noiseLevel / 20)
fftData = _np.atleast_2d(fftData)
channels = fftData.shape[0]
NFFT = (fftData.shape[1] - 1) * 2
nNoise = _np.random.rand(channels, NFFT)
nNoise = dimFactor * nNoise / _np.mean(_np.abs(nNoise))
nNoiseSpectrum = _np.fft.rfft(nNoise, axis=1)
return fftData + nNoiseSpectrum
[docs]def gauss_grid(azimuth_nodes=10, colatitude_nodes=5):
"""Compute Gauss-Legendre quadrature nodes and weights in the SOFiA /
VariSphear data format.
azimuth_nodes, colatitude_nodes : int, optional
Number of azimuth / elevation nodes
gridData : io.SphericalGrid
SphericalGrid containing azimuth, colatitude and weights
# Azimuth: Gauss
AZ = _np.linspace(0, azimuth_nodes - 1, azimuth_nodes) * 2 * _np.pi / azimuth_nodes
AZw = _np.ones(azimuth_nodes) * 2 * _np.pi / azimuth_nodes
# Elevation: Legendre
EL, ELw = _np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(colatitude_nodes)
EL = _np.arccos(EL)
# Weights
W = _np.outer(AZw, ELw) / 3
W /= W.sum()
# VariSphere order: AZ increasing, EL alternating
gridData = _np.empty((colatitude_nodes * azimuth_nodes, 3))
for k in range(0, azimuth_nodes):
curIDX = k * colatitude_nodes
gridData[curIDX : curIDX + colatitude_nodes, 0] = AZ[k].repeat(colatitude_nodes)
# flip EL every second iteration
gridData[curIDX : curIDX + colatitude_nodes, 1] = EL[:: -1 + k % 2 * 2]
# flip W every second iteration
gridData[curIDX : curIDX + colatitude_nodes, 2] = W[k][:: -1 + k % 2 * 2]
gridData = SphericalGrid(
gridData[:, 0],
gridData[:, 1],
_np.ones(colatitude_nodes * azimuth_nodes),
gridData[:, 2],
return gridData
[docs]def lebedev(max_order=None, degree=None):
"""Compute Lebedev quadrature nodes and weights given a maximum stable
order. Alternatively, a degree may be supplied.
max_order : int
Maximum stable order of the Lebedev grid, [0 ... 11]
degree : int, optional
Lebedev Degree, one of {6, 14, 26, 38, 50, 74, 86, 110, 146, 170, 194}
gridData : array_like
Lebedev quadrature positions and weights: [AZ, EL, W]
if max_order is None and not degree:
raise ValueError("Either a maximum order or a degree have to be given.")
if max_order == 0:
max_order = 1
allowed_degrees = [6, 14, 26, 38, 50, 74, 86, 110, 146, 170, 194]
if max_order and 0 <= max_order <= 11:
degree = allowed_degrees[int(max_order) - 1]
elif max_order:
raise ValueError("Maximum order can only be between 0 and 11.")
if degree not in allowed_degrees:
raise ValueError(
f"{degree} is an invalid quadrature degree. "
f"Choose one of the following: {allowed_degrees}"
from . import lebedev
leb = lebedev.genGrid(degree)
azimuth, elevation, radius = cart2sph(leb.x, leb.y, leb.z)
gridData = _np.array(
[azimuth % (2 * _np.pi), (_np.pi / 2 - elevation) % (2 * _np.pi), radius, leb.w]
gridData = gridData[gridData[:, 1].argsort()]
gridData = gridData[gridData[:, 0].argsort()]
return SphericalGrid(*gridData.T)
[docs]def radial_filter_fullspec(max_order, NFFT, fs, array_configuration, amp_maxdB=40):
"""Generate NFFT/2 + 1 modal radial filter of orders 0:max_order for
frequencies 0:fs/2, wraps `radial_filter()`.
max_order : int
Maximum order
NFFT : int
Order of FFT (number of bins), should be a power of 2.
fs : int
Sampling frequency
array_configuration : io.ArrayConfiguration
List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration
amp_maxdB : int, optional
Maximum modal amplification limit in dB [Default: 40]
dn : array_like
Vector of modal frequency domain filter of shape
[max_order + 1 x NFFT / 2 + 1]
freqs = _np.linspace(0, fs / 2, NFFT // 2 + 1)
orders = _np.r_[0 : max_order + 1]
return radial_filter(orders, freqs, array_configuration, amp_maxdB=amp_maxdB)
[docs]def radial_filter(orders, freqs, array_configuration, amp_maxdB=40):
"""Generate modal radial filter of specified orders and frequencies.
orders : array_like
orders of filter
freqs : array_like
Frequency of modal filter
array_configuration : io.ArrayConfiguration
List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration
amp_maxdB : int, optional
Maximum modal amplification limit in dB [Default: 40]
dn : array_like
Vector of modal frequency domain filter of shape [nOrders x nFreq]
array_configuration = ArrayConfiguration(*array_configuration)
extrapolation_coeffs = array_extrapolation(orders, freqs, array_configuration)
extrapolation_coeffs[extrapolation_coeffs == 0] = 1e-12
amp_max = 10 ** (amp_maxdB / 20)
limiting_factor = (
* amp_max
/ _np.pi
* _np.abs(extrapolation_coeffs)
* _np.arctan(_np.pi / (2 * amp_max * _np.abs(extrapolation_coeffs)))
return limiting_factor / extrapolation_coeffs
[docs]def spherical_head_filter(max_order, full_order, kr, is_tapering=False):
"""Generate coloration compensation filter of specified maximum SH order,
according to [1]_.
max_order : int
Maximum order
full_order : int
Full order necessary to expand sound field in entire modal range
kr : array_like
Vector of corresponding wave numbers
is_tapering : bool, optional
If set, spherical head filter will be adapted applying a Hann window,
according to [2]_
G_SHF : array_like
Vector of frequency domain filter of shape [NFFT / 2 + 1]
.. [1] Ben-Hur, Z., Brinkmann, F., Sheaffer, J., et al. (2017). "Spectral
equalization in binaural signals represented by order-truncated
spherical harmonics. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America".
def pressure_on_sphere(max_order, kr, taper_weights=None):
Calculate the diffuse field pressure frequency response of a spherical
scatterer, up to the specified SH order. If tapering weights are
specified, pressure on the sphere function will be adapted.
if taper_weights is None:
taper_weights = _np.ones(max_order + 1) # no weighting
p = _np.zeros_like(kr)
for order in range(max_order + 1):
# Calculate mode strength b_n(kr) for an incident plane wave on sphere according to [1, Eq.(9)]
b_n = (
* _np.pi
* 1j ** order
* (
spherical_jn(order, kr)
- (spherical_jn(order, kr, True) / dsphankel2(order, kr))
* sphankel2(order, kr)
p += (2 * order + 1) * _np.abs(b_n) ** 2 * taper_weights[order]
# according to [1, Eq.(11)]
return 1 / (4 * _np.pi) * _np.sqrt(p)
# according to [1, Eq.(12)].
taper_weights = tapering_window(max_order) if is_tapering else None
G_SHF = pressure_on_sphere(full_order, kr) / pressure_on_sphere(
max_order, kr, taper_weights
G_SHF[G_SHF == 0] = 1e-12 # catch zeros
G_SHF[_np.isnan(G_SHF)] = 1 # catch NaNs
return G_SHF
[docs]def spherical_head_filter_spec(
max_order, NFFT, fs, radius, amp_maxdB=None, is_tapering=False
"""Generate NFFT/2 + 1 coloration compensation filter of specified maximum
SH order for frequencies 0:fs/2, wraps `spherical_head_filter()`.
max_order : int
Maximum order
NFFT : int
Order of FFT (number of bins), should be a power of 2
fs : int
Sampling frequency
radius : float
Array radius
amp_maxdB : int, optional
Maximum modal amplification limit in dB [Default: None]
is_tapering : bool, optional
If true spherical head filter will be adapted for SH tapering.
[Default: False]
G_SHF : array_like
Vector of frequency domain filter of shape [NFFT / 2 + 1]
Implement `arctan()` soft-clipping
# frequency support vector & corresponding wave numbers k
freqs = _np.linspace(0, fs / 2, int(NFFT / 2 + 1))
kr_SHF = kr(freqs, radius)
# calculate SH order necessary to expand sound field in entire modal range
order_full = int(_np.ceil(kr_SHF[-1]))
# calculate filter
G_SHF = spherical_head_filter(
max_order, order_full, kr_SHF, is_tapering=is_tapering
# filter limiting
if amp_maxdB:
# TODO: Implement `arctan()` soft-clipping
raise NotImplementedError("amplitude soft clipping not yet implemented")
# amp_max = 10 ** (amp_maxdB / 20)
# G_SHF[np.where(G_SHF > amp_max)] = amp_max
return G_SHF.astype(_np.complex_)
[docs]def tapering_window(max_order):
"""Design tapering window with cosine slope for orders greater than 3,
according to [2]_.
max_order : int
Maximum SH order
hann_window_half : array_like
Tapering window with cosine slope for orders greater than 3. Ones in case
of maximum SH order being smaller than 3.
.. [2] Hold, Christoph, Hannes Gamper, Ville Pulkki, Nikunj Raghuvanshi, and
Ivan J. Tashev (2019). “Improving Binaural Ambisonics Decoding by
Spherical Harmonics Domain Tapering and Coloration Compensation.”
weights = _np.ones(max_order + 1)
if max_order >= 3:
hann_window = _np.hanning(2 * ((max_order + 1) // 2) + 1)
weights[-((max_order - 1) // 2) :] = hann_window[-((max_order + 1) // 2) : -1]
import sys
"[WARNING] SH maximum order is smaller than 3. No tapering will be used.",
return weights
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def sampled_wave(
"""Returns the frequency domain data of an ideal wave as recorded by a
provided array.
order : int
Maximum transform order
fs : int
Sampling frequency
NFFT : int
Order of FFT (number of bins), should be a power of 2.
array_configuration : io.ArrayConfiguration
List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration
gridData : io.SphericalGrid
List/Tuple/gauss_grid, see io.SphericalGrid
wave_azimuth, wave_colatitude : float, optional
Direction of incoming wave in radians [0-2pi].
wavetype : {'plane', 'spherical'}, optional
Type of the wave. [Default: plane]
c : float, optional
__UNUSED__ Speed of sound in [m/s] [Default: 343 m/s]
distance : float, optional
Distance of the source in [m] (For spherical waves only)
limit_order : int, optional
Sets the limit for wave generation
kind : {'complex', 'real'}, optional
Spherical harmonic coefficients data type [Default: 'complex']
If NFFT is smaller than the time the wavefront needs to travel from the
source to the array, the impulse response will by cyclically shifted
(cyclic convolution).
Pnm : array_like
Spatial fourier coefficients of resampled sound field
Investigate if `limit_order` works as intended
gridData = SphericalGrid(*gridData)
array_configuration = ArrayConfiguration(*array_configuration)
freqs = _np.linspace(0, fs / 2, NFFT)
kr_mic = kr(freqs, array_configuration.array_radius)
max_order_fullspec = _np.ceil(_np.max(kr_mic) * 2)
# TODO : Investigate if `limit_order` works as intended
if max_order_fullspec > limit_order:
f"Requested wave front needs a minimum order of "
f"{max_order_fullspec} but was limited to order {limit_order}"
Pnm = ideal_wave(
min(max_order_fullspec, limit_order),
Pnm_resampled = spatFT(
iSpatFT(Pnm, gridData, kind=kind), gridData, order_max=order, kind=kind
return Pnm_resampled
[docs]def ideal_wave(
"""Ideal wave generator, returns spatial Fourier coefficients `Pnm` of an
ideal wave front hitting a specified array.
order : int
Maximum transform order
fs : int
Sampling frequency
NFFT : int
Order of FFT (number of bins), should be a power of 2
array_configuration : io.ArrayConfiguration
List/Tuple/ArrayConfiguration, see io.ArrayConfiguration
azimuth, colatitude : float
Azimuth/Colatitude angle of the wave in [RAD]
wavetype : {'plane', 'spherical'}, optional
Select between plane or spherical wave [Default: Plane wave]
distance : float, optional
Distance of the source in [m] (for spherical waves only)
delay : float, optional
Time Delay in s [default: 0]
c : float, optional
Propagation velocity in m/s [Default: 343m/s]
kind : {'complex', 'real'}, optional
Spherical harmonic coefficients data type [Default: 'complex']
If NFFT is smaller than the time the wavefront needs to travel from the
source to the array, the impulse response will by cyclically shifted.
Pnm : array of complex floats
Spatial Fourier Coefficients with nm coeffs in cols and FFT coeffs in
array_configuration = ArrayConfiguration(*array_configuration)
order = _np.int(order)
NFFT = NFFT // 2 + 1
NMLocatorSize = (order + 1) ** 2
wavetype = wavetype.lower()
if wavetype not in {"plane", "spherical"}:
raise ValueError("Invalid wavetype: Choose either plane or spherical.")
if delay * fs > NFFT - 1:
raise ValueError("Delay t is large for provided NFFT. Choose t < NFFT/(2*FS).")
w = _np.linspace(0, _np.pi * fs, NFFT)
freqs = _np.linspace(0, fs / 2, NFFT)
radial_filters = _np.zeros([NMLocatorSize, NFFT], dtype=_np.complex_)
time_shift = _np.exp(-1j * w * delay)
for n in range(0, order + 1):
if wavetype == "plane":
radial_filters[n] = time_shift * array_extrapolation(
n, freqs, array_configuration
else: # wavetype == 'spherical':
k_dist = kr(freqs, distance)
radial_filters[n] = (
* _np.pi
* -1j
* w
/ c
* time_shift
* sphankel2(n, k_dist)
* array_extrapolation(n, freqs, array_configuration)
Pnm = _np.empty([NMLocatorSize, NFFT], dtype=_np.complex_)
# m, n = mnArrays(order + 1)
ctr = 0
for n in range(0, order + 1):
for m in range(-n, n + 1):
Pnm[ctr] = (
_np.conj(sph_harm(m, n, azimuth, colatitude, kind=kind))
* radial_filters[n]
ctr = ctr + 1
return Pnm
[docs]def spherical_noise(
gridData=None, order_max=8, kind="complex", spherical_harmonic_bases=None
"""Returns order-limited random weights on a spherical surface.
gridData : io.SphericalGrid
SphericalGrid containing azimuth and colatitude
order_max : int, optional
Spherical order limit [Default: 8]
kind : {'complex', 'real'}, optional
Spherical harmonic coefficients data type [Default: 'complex']
spherical_harmonic_bases : array_like, optional
Spherical harmonic base coefficients (not yet weighted by spatial
sampling grid) [Default: None]
noisy_weights : array_like, complex
Noisy weights
if spherical_harmonic_bases is None:
if gridData is None:
raise TypeError(
"Either a grid or the spherical harmonic bases have to be provided."
gridData = SphericalGrid(*gridData)
spherical_harmonic_bases = sph_harm_all(
order_max, gridData.azimuth, gridData.colatitude, kind=kind
order_max = _np.int(_np.sqrt(spherical_harmonic_bases.shape[1]) - 1)
return _np.inner(
_np.random.randn((order_max + 1) ** 2)
+ 1j * _np.random.randn((order_max + 1) ** 2),
[docs]def delay_fd(target_length_fd, delay_samples):
"""Generate delay in frequency domain that resembles a circular shift in
time domain.
target_length_fd : int
number of bins in single-sided spectrum
delay_samples : float
delay time in samples (subsample precision not tested yet!)
delay spectrum in frequency domain
omega = _np.linspace(0, 0.5, target_length_fd)
return _np.exp(-1j * 2 * _np.pi * omega * delay_samples)